vtwonen Drips Natural

The Drips duvet cover by vtwonen is made from 100% cotton flannel. Flannel is extremely soft and warm to the touch. The duvet cover features a sophisticated print of hand painted vertical lines, which playfully cross each other from time to time. Warm, soft colours of sand and cream alternate. These colours, combined with the soft flannel, make this the perfect duvet cover for autumn, winter.
The duvet cover Drips from vtwonen is made of 100% cotton flannel. The total length of a vtwonen duvet cover is 260 cm, this is extra long. The duvet cover is suitable for duvets of 200 cm, 210 cm or 220 cm and has a double tuck-in flap. The high quality ensures that this duvet cover remains in great shape and color even after washing. The vtwonen bed linen collection is produced by Bedding House, proud partner of Better Cotton.
Latest collection
15 Fall / Winter 2023
Bulletpoint 1
100% cotton flannel
Bulletpoint 2
By choosing our cotton products, you are supporting our investment in the mission of Better Cotton. This product was sourced through a mass balance system and therefore may not contain Better Cotton. See bettercotton.org/learnmore. Produced by Bedding Hou
Bulletpoint 3
The duvet cover is packaged in a textile bag made of the same material as the duvet cover. You can easily reuse the bag.
Bulletpoint 4
The bed textiles collection of vtwonen combines basic colours with cool materials in unique combinations. The timeless designs fit into any interior and match with the vtwonen paint colours for a true vtwonen style in your bedroom.
Bulletpoint 5
The duvet cover has a total length of 260 cm and has a double tuck-in flap across that extends for the entire width on either side. Suitable for duvets of 200 cm, 210 cm and 220 cm
Bulletpoint 6
Wash up to 60 degrees, suitable for tumble drying, easy to iron.
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